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The Catch Up Post

It's Halloween month, I'm done moving out of my old apartment, and I've finally found my laptop charger! ~Happy times~. Now for some catching up!

 First of all, BIG thanks to my sister, Najiba, for helping us clean out our old place on Sunday. We could not have finished moving out of the apartment in time without her. Seriously, moving made us miserable. But now we are in our new place. And Ricky's parents are so awesome! They brought me (yes, me! Not us -.-) wine, a wine opener, and veggie pasta. I will refrain from calling it macaroni as I guess they would disagree. For Ricky, they brought garlic bread and he was nice enough to share that with me haha.
Please ignore my fingers

One thing about me guys is that until about a year ago I suffered from random digestive issues. I won't get TMI now, but suffice to say I suffered. And what's worse, is that was normal for me. I never thought anything was really wrong. But there was. June 2017 was about the time I became a vegetarian. That helped.... But what made the biggest impact was cutting back on oil. I still use oil sometimes. And I will eat nuts /avocado/other natural sources of fat if I feel like it. But no more "Panda Express", Carl's Jr. fries, and definitely no Mel's Burgers. Once I cut excessive oil and sugar out of my diet, damn. No stomach pains, plus my skin cleared up.

This weekend during the move though, I've not only eaten foods I normally avoid, I ate a LOT of it. I feel so gross right now, goodness. One thing that always helps me, is usually something that grosses people out. It's hot water. Or some tea! I always feel better, it makes it easier to, uh, go, and it makes my skin feel soothed. This coming week I am going to have to eat light, so lots of veggies. And drink LOTS of water. Pretty much, I'm going to have to go grocery shopping and try to meal prep. EUgh.

Moving along, now. I'm going to have to go to Wal-Mart or Ikea and buy some shelves to set up our pantry. We need a bath mat and trash bin for the "master bath". I will most likely ogle a crap ton of other stuff I don't need, like bedding, curtains, rugs. And I'd be shocked if I didn't go to Ross to look for affordable options that I could justify. But I will have to be strong and not overspend. When I feel weak looking at an overflowing shopping cart, I call Rei. She's no-judgment but also no BS. Tells me what I need to hear, and not what I want to hear. If only she could actually GO shopping with me :< . Instead, I am stuck Facebook messaging her pics of my messy life cart. Wouldn't it be nice if Target had a built in day care?
You think I'm joking? Half of this cart was on clearance! That's the danger zone.

My dream patio right now...  Maybe I can figure out how to do this on the cheap without the squirrels wrecking it...

Speaking of messy, I also need a wardrobe update. I'm not someone that has to go shopping for new clothes every season, but my weight has been fluctuating. And I have nothing proper (or cute) to wear for Fall! So, on my list, I have hoodies, real jeans, and... uhm socks. Really that is all I need. I will let y'all know if I get anything more than that. I was hoping to get a cheap, large flannel shirt to make some pillow covers out of. Cool pillows are so esspensive. If I do, I will take lots of pictures. And you will love them I am sure.

Anyway, this post was long enough. I just wanted to catch up! I hope you are all having a wonderful Halloween. If you have any decor suggestions or want to update me on the Autumn Challenge, comment down below!
Stay spooky!


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